The Newton
County Sheriff's Office is comprised of the following divisions:
Detention Center, Uniform Patrol, C.I.D, S.W.A.T, C.H.A.M.P.S., and K-9
Units. The jail staff is formed by 107 employees both officers and civil employees.
Operating on 12 hour shifts and four shifts, each shift has one sergeant, two
corporals, seventeen detention officers, one detention tech. The jail is designed
to house a total of 600 inmates and has the capabilities to expand to 1100 inmates.
The Uniform Patrol Division
has been serving Newton County since 1998. The Uniform Patrol Division
concentrates on identified problem areas. The Criminal Investigation Division
is currently composed of a team of investigators. Investigations on all types of criminal
activity are responsibilities of this division. Since the 1970’s the K-9
unit has been trained to track and rescue as well as locating cadavers if the
need should arise. The K-9 unit is formed by four highly trained animals.
Another important provided program
of the Newton County Sheriff’s Office is C.H.A.M.P.S. Newton County first incorporated the C.H.A.M.P.S. program in Georgia. The C.H.A.M.P.S. program is offered
at 11 Elementary Schools and all 4 Middle Schools in Newton County.
Contact information:
County Sheriff's Office
15151 Alcovy-Jersey Road, N.E.
Covington, GA. 30014
Phone: (678) 625-1400
Fax: (678) 625-1473
E-mail: ebrown@newtonsheriffga.org