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Newton County, Georgia is home to a large and diverse group of companies. Manufacturing accounts for 29% of the employment in Newton County. The strong industrial base continues to grow both the level of employment and contribution to the community tax digest through expansions by Beaver Manufacturing, C. R. Bard, General Mills, Michelin Tread Technologies and new companies such as Nyloboard. Some of the larger manufacturers in Covington/Newton County have been listed below to give you a better idea of who is located in the community.

Astro Plastics
Beaver Manufacturing
Bridgestone Golf
C.R. Bard
Clairon Metals
Duro Tire and Wheel
Engineering Specialty Textiles
H.B. Fuller
Hill Phoenix
General Mills
Guardian Automotive
Komatsu Forklift
Michelin Tread Technologies
Truss Systems, Inc.
Tyco Plastics
Wip-X Systems, Inc.

Covington/Newton County Georgia is centrally located between Altanta, Augusta and Athens and served by interstate, major rail lines and nearby seaports in Savannah, Augusta, and Charleston. The county offers many incentives to businesses, including the job tax credits of $1,750 per job, available to a business or to its headquarters engaged in any of the following six categories and creating at least 15 jobs in Newton County. Taxpayers may choose between job tax credits or investment tax credits. A credit can be carried forward up to 10 years. The following businesses are eligible for the Job Tax Credits: Manufacturing, Telecommunications, Warehouse Distribution, Research and Development, Processing (data, information, software) and Tourism.

Example: A taxpayer that creates 50 jobs in Newton County would receive $437,500 in tax credits over 5 years to reduce Georgia income tax. [50 jobs x $1,750 x 5 years = $437,500].

Contact the Newton County Chamber of Commerce for information on other tax credits and incentives to businesses located within the county.

Newton County Chamber of Commerce
2101 Clark Street
Covington, GA 30014
Phone 770-786-7510
Fax 770-786-1294


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